Our Dentists in Voorhees Township NJ Share Helpful Tips to Fight Dental Anxiety

Did you know that anywhere between 50 to 80% of adults in the United States have some fear of dentists? Over time, this fear can lead to years without seeing a dentist, making them far more susceptible to gingivitis, tooth decay, cavities, and more.  
Keep reading to learn top tips from our dentists in Voorhees Township, NJ on how to combat dental anxiety and get the dental care you need!  
Let Your Dentists Know 
One of the first and arguably most important tips is to let our dentists know about your dental anxiety. Experienced dentists are used to working with patients with these fears, and they will employ strategies and tactics to help you feel more comfortable.  
This can be as simple as offering to turn on the television to a channel you like to keep you distracted or taking more time to explain the procedures we recommend or that we're about to begin. Either way, it’s vital that you know our dentists in Voorhees Township won’t judge you for your anxieties!  
At Voorhees Dental Smiles, our commitment to service means prioritizing helping our patients feel comfortable with friendly staff and a relaxing atmosphere.  
Bring Distractions 
Don’t hesitate to bring distractions to your appointment if you think they could help. Load up a playlist with all your favorite songs and bring earbuds to enjoy them during your dental cleaning; you can also opt to listen to a podcast or audiobook. Fidget toys are a great way to keep your hands and mind busy. Lastly, bringing along a friend may be all you need, as their presence can keep you grounded and confident!  
Plan Ahead 
Lastly, remember that planning can take the edge off your dental anxiety. If rush hour traffic stresses you out as well as the prospect of not being able to find the dental office, go a day before your appointment to ensure you know where it is and where to park. We also recommend scheduling an appointment on a day that isn’t busy for you, preferably when there’s minimal traffic.  
Discover Caring Dentists in Voorhees Township, NJ  
Dental anxiety is surprisingly common, so you shouldn’t feel shame or embarrassment when it comes to letting us know about your fears. Instead, we’ll do everything in our power to help you feel comfortable! 
Schedule an appointment with us today with one of the top dentists in Voorhees Township, NJ – we can’t wait to meet you! 
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